Soldering and Assembly Tips

Board to board solder joint.

Board To Board Assembly

🔵 Heat the castellated pads of both boards. It's helpful to have a small amount of solder on the tip of the iron to help transfer heat to the pads.

🔴 Inspect the reverse side of the board connection to ensure that solder has fully penetrated the castellated joint.
[Right image]: The top joint has been filled, the bottom joint needs to be filled.

🔵 Use a thin double-sided tape, such as 3M 300LSE® to adheir the Ribbonbus™ to your substraight.

The top joint has been filled.
The bottom joint needs to be filled.

Board and ribbon alignment before soldering.

Soldering LED to Ribbonbus™

🔵 Cut the LED ribbon squarely and evenly along the cut line to ensure ribbon to bus joints don't have gaps.

🔵 Carefully align the to the Ribbonbus™ castellated connection. Be sure the solderpads on the bottom of the buss are isolated to prevent short circuits.

🔵 If the ribbon is slightly mis aligned, while the first solder joint is still molten, the ribbon can be nudged into alignment.

🟡 After soldering each ribon, test by energizing the bus. Troubleshooting multiple ribbon conections can be trying.

Ribbon soldered to Ribbonbus™.

Suggested Products to help things go smoothly.

MG Chemicals 426-NS
Desolder Braid/Wick

Chip Quik Inc. CQ4LF
Liquid Flux No-Clean Pen

Chip Quik Inc. CQ4LF
Tack Flux No-Clean Tubes

3M 300LSE Series
Adhesive Tape

You should be able to easily find these on the internet.